Since Governor Ricardo Rosselló Nevares came to office, we have been creating, organizing and structuring an agency essential to the operations of the Government of Puerto Rico.

Creating the Puerto Rico Fiscal Agency and Financial Advisory Authority (AAFAF, by its Spanish acronym) was very important for the Government of Puerto Rico given the fact that it is responsible for working with the mandates of the Puerto Rico Oversight, Management and Economic Stability Act of 2016 (PROMESA). In addition, since AAFAF assumed several of the Government Development Bank’s responsibilities, we have dramatically improved the fiscal and economic structure of this Administration.

In only 12 months, AAFAF developed and implemented multiple wide-ranging projects, such as, the unanimous certification of the Fiscal Plan of the Government of Puerto Rico, of the Puerto Rico Electric Power Authority, of the Puerto Rico Aqueduct and Sewers Authority and of other entities. Moreover, we set in motion the reorganization of the Government agencies, among other achievements that are a testimony to this Administration’s transparency in the negotiations and agreements that have been executed. Nevertheless, we still have a long road to travel. We will continue recovering Puerto Rico’s trust to get to the capital markets, and getting our Governor Ricardo Rosselló Nevares’ policy and the mandate he received under way.

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